Make an E-Commerce Website with Blazor WebAssembly in .NET 6

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Make an E-Commerce Website with Blazor WebAssembly in .NET 6 Udemy coupons

Make an E-Commerce Website with Blazor WebAssembly in .NET 6

Learn how to build an E-Commerce Website with Blazor WebAssembly, a Web API, Entity Framework Core & SQL Server Express.

Created by Patrick God | 16.5 hours on-demand video course

Welcome to the Blazor WebAssembly E-Commerce Course! In this online course, we’re going to build an e-commerce web application with .NET 6 & Blazor WebAssembly. We’ll cover the complete stack, meaning Blazor for the client, a Web API for the back end web service, and Entity Framework Core with SQL Server Express for the database. The course starts with a walking skeleton. This means, right at the beginning of this course, and in just a few hours you learn how to build a running full-stack web application with all the mentioned frameworks and technologies. So, after this section, you won’t use any mock data, for instance. You will already make calls to the web service, grab data from the SQL Server and return the results back to the Blazor WebAssembly client.

What you’ll learn

  • Build a full stack Blazor WebAssembly application by the example of an E-Commerce Website
  • Create a Walking Skeleton with .NET, Blazor WebAssembly, a Web API, Entity Framework Core & SQL Server right at the beginning
  • Implement Best Practices with Generics, Data-Transfer-Objects (DTOs) and the Repository Pattern
  • Build several features of an E-Commerce App, like Search, Pagination, Featured Products, a Cart (local & database), Orders and many more
  • Implement Authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  • Use Role-Based Authorization for Administrators & Customers
  • Use Code-First Migration with Entity Framework Core & SQL Server
  • Implement Payment with Stripe Checkout providing Credit Card, Apple Pay & Google Pay
  • Create a Custom Layout for your Blazor WebAssembly Application
  • Implement Administration Features with all CRUD operations to Create, Read, Update & Delete your Products

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