MERN From Scratch 2023 | eCommerce Platform
JUST UPDATED! Build an eCommerce platform from the ground up with React, Redux Toolkit, Express & MongoDB
Created by Brad Traversy | 13 hours on-demand video course
This MERN From Scratch 2023 | eCommerce Platform Course is a single-project course, meaning that we spend almost 13 hours building an eCommerce shop using the MERN stack along with Redux Toolkit. We start from absolute scratch with an empty folder. You will learn everything from setting up a server, modeling data, creating a MongoDB database, seeding data, creating the UI, managing state with Redux, authentication with JWT and much much more.
The ProShop platform that we will be building will include the following features:
- Full-featured shopping cart with quantity
- Product reviews and ratings
- Top products carousel
- Product pagination
- Product search feature
- User profile with orders
- Admin product management
- Admin user management
- Admin Order details page
- Mark orders as delivered option
- Checkout process (shipping, payment method, etc)
- PayPal / credit card integration
- Custom database seeder script
This is not a documentation-type course. This is a “jump in and get your hands dirty” course where by the end, you have an actual real-world project to use and put on your portfolio. You will learn the following by completing this course.
What you’ll learn
- Build a custom eCommerce platform with React, Redux, Node, Express & MongoDB
- An actual real-world project built in a linear and progressive manner
- Full featured shopping cart with PayPal & credit/debit payments
- Admin area to manage customers, products & orders
- Product rating & review system
- Product search, carousel, pagination & more
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Who this course is for:
- Full stack web developers that want to learn MERN by building a real-world app