The Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart
Officially created in collaboration with the Google Flutter team.
Created by Dr. Angela Yu | 28.5 hours on-demand video course
Welcome to the Complete Flutter App Development Bootcamp with Dart – created in collaboration with the Google Flutter team. Now includes a brand new module on Flutter State Management! Covering all the fundamental concepts for Flutter development, this is the most comprehensive Flutter course available online.
We built this course over months, perfecting the curriculum together with the Flutter team to teach you Flutter from scratch and make you into a skilled Flutter developer with a strong portfolio of beautiful Flutter apps.
Our complete Flutter development bootcamp teaches you how to code using Dart and build beautiful, fast, native-quality iOS and Android apps. Even if you have ZERO programming experience. I’ll take you step-by-step through engaging and fun video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a Flutter developer.
The Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart Course
The Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart course includes 28+ hours of HD video tutorials and builds your programming knowledge while making real world apps. e.g. Whatsapp, QuizUp and Yahoo Weather. By the end of this course, you will be fluently programming in Dart and be ready to build your own Flutter apps and become a fully fledged Flutter developer.
Sign up today, and look forwards to:
- Over 28 hours of HD 1080p video content, everything you’ll ever need to succeed as a Flutter developer.
- Building over 15 fully-fledged apps including ones that use Firebase Cloud Firestore, StreamBuilder, ListView, networking, external APIs and much much more.
- All the knowledge you need to start building any app you want
- $8000+ Flutter development bootcamp course materials and curriculum
From Beginner to Flutter Developer with Just One Course
We know that you’re here because you value your time. If you wanted to watch someone program for hours and hours without explaining what they’re doing, you’d be on YouTube.
By getting this The Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. There are beautiful animations that explain all the difficult concepts and we’re always on hand to answer student questions.
So by the end of The Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart course, you’ll completely understand:
- Fundamental Flutter concepts e.g. Stateful vs. Stateless Widgets, Widget tree, state management, animations, themes and much more.
- Fundamental Dart concepts e.g. lists, maps, enums, loops, futures, streams, mixins, classes, and much more.
- Concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): The type system, variables, functions and methods, inheritance, classes and protocols.
- Control Structures: Using If/Else clauses, Switch statements and logic to control the flow of execution.
- Data Structures: How to work with collections, such as Lists and Maps.
- Software Design: How to organise and format code for readability and how to implement the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern.
- Networking: How to make asynchronous API calls, store and retrieve data from the cloud, and use the JSON format for server communication.
- Data Storage: How to use Firebase Cloud Firestore to act as a backend for your Flutter apps.
- Authentication: How to use log in and register users for your Flutter apps.
- State Management: How to use setState, prop drilling, lifting state up, callbacks and the Provider package to manage app state.
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Who this Google Flutter course is for:
- If you have never programmed before, then take this course to learn Dart and build iOS and Android apps.
- If you know how to code, but are new to mobile development, then take this course to build apps with just one codebase.
- If you are a native app developer, then take this course to see how much time you can save building native-quality iOS and Android apps with Flutter.
- If you’ve tried Flutter before, then take this course to get a comprehensive curriculum that covers all the important aspects of Flutter development