Redis Beginners to Advance With Free Lab

Udemy Coupon Code for Redis Beginners to Advance With Free Lab Course. Learn Redis with Real world Production Scenarios
Created by Vikas Kumar Jha | 6 hours on-demand video course
Redis Course Overview
Redis Beginners to Advance With Free Lab
This Redis Beginners to Advance With Free Lab course is creating from step zero and then gradually moves onto advance topics. So this is suitable for Beginners to Advance Level. This course contains hands-on production like scenarios for setting up High Availability. Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker. It supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, geospatial indexes with radius queries and streams. Redis has built-in replication and different levels of on-disk persistence, and provides high availability via Redis Sentinel and automatic partitioning with Redis Cluster.
What you’ll learn
- Deep dive into Redis Database
- Installing Redis on online/offline mode
- Redis Performance Benchmarking
- Redis persistence configuration – Backup and Restore using RDB and AOF
- Writing Python Program to Interact with Redis
- Writing Different Datasets to Redis – Redis Datatypes
- Understanding TTL (Time to Live) or Key Expiry in Redis
- Creating and using counters
- Deep Dive in String, Lists and Hashes type operation
- Creating a subset from a bigger set Redis
- Setting up Redis Replication (Master + Slave) – Development or Demo Scenario
- Redis Replication Production Setup using Dedicated Master and Slave Servers. Performing a
- Failover when Master Server is down from non-recoverable issue. Setting up new master on the fly and pointing slave to this new master server.
- Redis High Availability in Production with Sentinels on Three Servers (Automatic Failover)
- Redis Clustering, Pros and Cons
Top Redis Courses Online for 2024
Redis: The Complete Developer’s Guide Course
Redis: The Complete Developer’s Guide Best seller
This Redis: The Complete Developer’s Guide course focuses on making sure that you understand the difference between a sorted set and a hash. After completing this course, you’ll understand when to use each structure and the benefits and drawbacks to each.
Modern Redis Unleashed Course
Modern Redis Unleashed
Modern Redis Unleashed Course, You can avoid vendor lock-in with your cloud services by using Redis. Redis has become much more than just a distributed cache; its new Redis Modules architecture runs on any cloud provider and enables true multi-cloud and hybrid cloud deployments. Using Redis, you can distribute systems across many cloud providers, making you immune to outages in any one of them. Redis Modules, Redis Cloud, and Redis Enterprise are important new technologies to know about when designing your cloud computing architecture.
Who this course is for:
- Students with Bigdata or Data Science Technologies
- Students with Willingness to learn about Fastest In Memory Database Technologies
- Anyone who wants to work on real production like environment setup for Redis and do a deep dive in understanding Redis
Taught by Vikas Kumar Jha