Next.js 15 Full Stack Complete Learning Management System

Next.js 15 Mastery: Build a Modern Learning Management System from Scratch Create a Scalable Full-Stack LMS with Next.js
Next.js 15 Mastery: Build a Modern Learning Management System from Scratch Create a Scalable Full-Stack LMS with Next.js
Use Next 15, React 19, TypeScript, PostgreSQL and Prisma to build a real-world ecommerce website
Learn NextJS 15 App Router, Tailwind, Git, Supabase, Vercel and build 2 professional projects!
Learn NextJS 15 from the ground up and build fullstack ReactJS + NextJS apps with the App Router or Pages Router!
Learn NextAuth, Next JS Auth in Next.js 14 app router. Email + password login / signup / reset, 2FA, postgres, drizzle, TS + more!
shadcn ui - build dashboards with shadcn ui components, including shadcn ui, tailwindcss, and Next JS (shadcn ui 2024)
Use Next JS + OpenAI to build a ChatGPT clone, incl. mongodb, edge functions, auth0, tailwind css + more! (Next JS v13)
Next JS + OpenAI GPT3.5: Build an SEO-friendly blog post gen app with auth0, GPT, stripe payments, tailwind, + MongoDB
Next JS & Headless WordPress: Build a fully functioning real estate property website with Next.js & WordPress
TypeScript & Next.js 14: Building a Tech Ticketing App TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, NextAuth, Prisma, and Shadcn UI for a Seamless Full-Stack Development Journey Created by Jacob Lower | ...