Learn any Development Courses type of computer programming on Udemy today. From web development, to mobile development, to game development, to machine learning, Udemy has courses from top rated instructors.
Learn any Development Courses type of computer programming on Udemy today. From web development, to mobile development, to game development, to machine learning, Udemy has courses from top rated instructors.
Learn SignalR fundamentals by building 8 projects with SignalR in .NET Core and MVC. (.NET 7)
Create cubes from databases, analyse them in Excel, SSRS etc. using SQL Server SSAS MDX (a Business Intelligence tool)
Data Visualisation in Python, matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly & Cufflinks, EDA on Boston Housing, Titanic, IPL, FIFA, Covid-19 Data.
Updated to Unity 6! Design and Develop Video Games. Learn C#. Code Your first Unity Game Developer 3D Unity games for web, Mac and PC.
DSA for Cracking the Coding Interview. Animated Examples for Faster Learning and Deeper Understanding.
Master Langchain v0.3, Local LLM Projects, Ollama, LLAMA 3.2 (Lama 3.2), Ollama Chatbot, Ollama and Langchain Tutorial
Become an LLM Engineer in 8 weeks: Build and deploy 8 LLM apps, mastering Generative AI and key theoretical concepts.
Advance Your Career beyond just execution regardless of language used - Python, Javascript, Java, etc | With Certificate
How to create machine learning recommendation systems with deep learning, collaborative filtering, and Python.
PySpark tutorial with 20+ hands-on examples of analyzing large data sets on your desktop or on Hadoop with Python!