Advanced CSS & SASS: Framework, FlexBox, Grid, Animations
Create your own CSS Framework with reusable components using SASS. Advanced & Modern CSS Flexbox, Grid & Animations
Created by Norbert B. Menyhart | 24 hours on-demand video course
Got your basics done? html hello world, style color red, good, it’s time to create amazing web sites. We are going to start up slowly and create a simple landing page, then we will go through modern CSS technology like CSS flexbox, CSS Grid, animations, transition, then start creating our own reusable sass components and apply then trough classes in our own website templates.
The main Focus of this Course is to Reverse Engineer the creation process, thus resulting in a more deeper understanding of CSS by using SASS Structure of Style-sheets named Partials. Partials will help you separate your design in to small and ease to manage peaces! You will learn complex CSS Animations and Transitions, advanced responsive design techniques, Flexbox layouts, CSS Grid ,Sass, CSS architecture, fundamental CSS concepts, and so much more.
What you’ll learn
- Flexbox layouts: build multiple real-world Templates with flexbox
- CSS Grid layouts: build multiple real-world Templates with CSS Grid
- Advanced CSS animations with @keyframes, Animations
- Advanced CSS Transitions
- Structuring Web Pages
- Advanced responsive design: media queries, em and rem units, etc.
- Using Sass in real-world projects: managing media queries, global variables, CSS animations, etc.
- Responsive images
- Create your own CSS Framework
- Create you own reusable Variables Component for Colors, Screen sizes and Typography and implement them in web pages
- Create you own reusable Buttons Components and implement them in web pages
- Create you own reusable Cards Components and implement them in web pages
- Create you own reusable Navigation Components and implement them in web pages
- Create you own reusable Form Components and implement them in web pages
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