Machine Learning, Data Science and Generative AI with Python
Complete hands-on machine learning and GenAI tutorial with data science, Tensorflow, GPT, OpenAI, and neural networks
Complete hands-on machine learning and GenAI tutorial with data science, Tensorflow, GPT, OpenAI, and neural networks
Develop and deploy a full-stack application using Python, Google Sheets, FastAPI, React, Next.js, and Tailwind CSS
Master JSON with Python: Learn to parse, generate, manipulate, validate, query, and compare JSON documents in Python
The Complete Guide To Learning Pydantic Including A Full Capstone Project with FastAPI And Redis
Python Object Oriented Programming (OOP): Beginner to Pro Deep OOP Foundations From Absolute Scratch
Learn Python from SCRATCH! Build 3 Network Apps with Python, Pandas, Nmap and Machine Learning. Full Python Apps inside.
Unlock the Power of AI Pair Programming : Maximizing Productivity in GitHub Copilot for Python & Django REST Developers
Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 2 - Iterators, Generators). Sequences, Iterables, Iterators, Generators, Context Managers
Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional). Variables, Functions and Functional Programming, Closures, Decorators, Modules and Packages
Become a Python Developer able to create professional Python scripts, dramatically increasing your career options.