Kubernetes Mastery: Hands-On Lessons From A Docker Captain
Kubernetes Mastery Learn the key Kubernetes features and plugins while practicing DevOps workflows, from a container expert
Kubernetes Mastery Learn the key Kubernetes features and plugins while practicing DevOps workflows, from a container expert
Terraform on AWS EKS Kubernetes. AWS EKS IAM, Ingress, EBS CSI, EFS CSI, VPC, Fargate, Application & Network Load Balancer, Autoscaling (CA, HPA, VPA)
Helm Masterclass Create, Develop, Install, Upgrade, Rollback, Package, & Publish Kubernetes Helm Charts with step-by-step practical demos
Advanced Kubernetes/AKS Network & Infrastructure. Learn how to secure network communication in AKS/Kubernetes cluster
Udemy Coupon Code for Kubernetes Bootcamp: Conquer Kubernetes from Zero to Cloud Course. Orchestrate Cloud Native Applications at Scale with Kubernetes! Created by Jose Portilla, Rayan Slim | 6.5 ...
Udemy Coupon Code for Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests Course. Prepare for the Certified Kubernetes Administrators Certification with live practice tests right in your ...
Udemy Coupon Code for Kubernetes Certified Application Developer (CKAD) with Tests Course. Learn concepts and practice for the Kubernetes Certification with hands-on labs right in your browser - ...
Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners - Hands-on Learn Kubernetes in simple, easy and fun way with hands-on coding exercises. For beginners in DevOps. Created by Mumshad Mannambeth, ...
Complete Kubernetes: Docker Orchestration + DevOps Project Initial Training: Original Kubernetes by Cloud NCF for Devs, Analysts and Curious + Devops Project + Love for Teaching ♡ Created ...
Rocking Kubernetes with Amazon EKS, Fargate, And DevOps Learn Docker Container on Kubernetes on AWS EKS, Fargate along with deploying real world applications with DevOps. Created by ...