Azure Databricks & Spark For Data Engineers (PySpark / SQL)

Azure Databricks & Spark For Data Engineers (PySpark / SQL)


Azure Databricks & Spark For Data Engineers (PySpark / SQL) Real World Project on Formula1 Racing using Azure Databricks, Delta Lake, Unity Catalog, Azure Data Factory Created by Ramesh Retnasami | 20 hours on-demand video course Major updates to the course since the launch May 2023 - New sections ...

Azure Databricks and Spark SQL (Python)

Azure Databricks and Spark SQL (Python)


Azure Databricks and Spark SQL (Python) Master Azure Databricks with PySpark: Your Hands-On Guide to Advanced Data Engineering and Analysis (DP203) Created by Malvik Vaghadia | 12.5 hours on-demand video course Databricks is one of the most in demand big data tools around. It is a fast, easy, and ...