Process Mining with Celonis

Learn and practice how to combine data science and process mapping techniques to visualize processes with real data
Product Brand: Udemy
Udemy Coupon Code for Process Mining with Celonis Course. Learn and practice how to combine data science and process mapping techniques to visualize processes with real data
Created by Dennis Arrindell | 6.5 hours on-demand video course | 19 downloadable resources
Process Mining with Celonis Course Overview
An important aspect for many organizations is the flow of work between different parts of the organization. Traditionally, experts would use business process modeling techniques to visualize how these processes should be. This is a very labor intensive exercise. Moreover, in practice, the actual process may be very different from what is drawn on paper. This gap can be filled by applying process mining. Process mining uses actual data to visualize what the process is, rather than what the process is thought to be.
Process mining is a relatively young research discipline that sits between computational intelligence and data mining on the one hand, and process modeling on the other hand. The idea of process mining is to discover, monitor and improve real processes by extracting knowledge from data readily available in an organization’s information systems. It is a tool to improve the design, redesign, control, and support of operational business processes.
In this course, students are introduced to the discipline of process mining using a healthy blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on practice. The theoretical parts of this course are drawn from leading academic publications. The hands-on practice parts will be conducted in the leading process mining software application that is democratizing process mining for the masses, Celonis Free Plan (formely Celonis Snap).
What you’ll learn
- Process mining
- The role of process mining in the broader context of business process management
- Applied process mining with Celonis Free Plan (Formely Celonis Snap)
- Hands-on practical experience with process mining use cases of various degrees of complexity
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Who this course is for:
- This course is most valuable for people that work in an organization in which products and services are the result of processes that leave a digital footprint. Examples are supervisors responsible for: Assembly line industrial manufacturing; Coordinating patient journeys through a hospital; The flow of loan applications at a bank; Logistic coordination and supply chain management. This course will radically transform the ability of students to discover, monitor and enhance these processes. People that work with systems such as Scientific management (Taylorism), Kanban, Lean Six Sigma, Theory of Constraints, Bottleneck Identification and Just-In-Time (JIT) will greatly benefit from this course, because process mining unlocks a data-driven factor into these approaches to production process management. Other types of students that will benefit from this course are: Individuals with a background in process mapping, flowcharting and business process modelling (BPM). Individuals with a background in data science that want to acquire skills that directly contribute to the value chain of organizations. Individuals curious about process mining.