Udemy Coupon Code for Next.js Ecommerce 2025 – Shopping Platform From Scratch Course. Use Next 15, React 19, TypeScript, PostgreSQL and Prisma to build a real-world ecommerce website
Created by Brad Traversy | 22 hours on-demand video course
Next.js Course Overview
Next.js Ecommerce 2025 – Shopping Platform From Scratch
If you want to take your React skills to the next level and learn to use Next.js in an actual real-world project, this is the course for you. We are using Next.js, TypeScript and many other technologies to create “Prostore”. A full-featured shopping platform with reviews, PayPal and Stripe integration, email receipts and more.
This course is for people that already know React. Knowing the basics of Next.js is even better. You will learn how to use many different technologies together to create a full project that you can then display on your portfolio.
Here is a list of some of the technologies and libraries that we’ll be using:
- Next.js v15
- React v19
- TypeScript
- ES Lint
- PostgreSQL
- Prisma
- Zod
- Next Auth
- React Hook Form
- PayPal & Stripe API
- ShadCN UI
- Tailwind CSS
- Recharts
- Uploadthing
- Jest
Even though this is a project-based course, it is not simply “watch me code”. I will explain in detail what I am doing so that you can understand rather than just copy. You can then use that knowlege to create your own awesome projects.
Here is a complete outline of the course sections:
- 1. Introduction – I explain what the course is about and we go over the project and the stack.
- 2. App Creation & Basic Layour – We create our app, the layout, setup ShadCN UI and learn how to use UI components, create a theme toggler, loading & not found pages, display some sample data.
- 3. Database, Prisma & Product Display – We setup our Neon PostgreSQL database and the Prisma ORM. We learn to create models and migrations and how to seed data and fetch products from the database.
- 4. Authentication With Next Auth – We create full authentication with the Next Auth library
- 5. Add To Cart – Create a cart system with database and session integration.
- 6.. Cart & Shipping Page – We start out checkout process with the cart page summary and the shipping address form.
- 7. Payment Method & Order Pages – We create the other pages in our checkout process.
- 8. PayPal Payments – Integrate the PayPal API. We even do a little unit testing with JEST.
- 9. Order History & User Profile – Create the user area with a list of orders and the profile update page.
- 10. Admin Dashboard – We start on the admin area and the overview page
- 11. Admin Products & Image Uploading – We manage products from admin and implement image uploading with Uploadthing.
- 12. Admin Users & Search – Manage users from admin and implement a search for products, orders and users in admin.
- 13. Drawer, Carousel and Search – We create a category drawer, featured product carousel and then work on the main product search filters.
- 14. Ratings & Reviews – We create the rating and review system.
- 15. Stripe Payments – Use the Srtipe API and some packages to ad stripe payments.
- 16. Email Purchase Receipts – We use the Resend service for sending emails through the app.
- 17 – Homepage Components & Wrap Up – We add few more homepage components and then wrap up the course.
What you’ll learn
- Build a professional ecommerce website from absolute scratch
- PayPal, Stripe and Cash On Delivery payment options
- Learn Next 15, React 19, PostgreSQL, Prisma, TypeScript & Zod
- Full Authentication, admin area, review system, featured projects, sorting, search filters, user profiles, image uploading & more
- Continuous deployment with Vercel & Git
- Shopping cart, sessions, JWT & cookies
- Learn how to write TypeSafe code with TypeScript, Zod for validation & React Hook Form for easy form management
- Full admin dashboard with stats and montly sales chart as well as product, order and user management
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Next.js Ecommerce Course Reviews
Everything You Need to Know About Next.js Ecommerce 2025 – Shopping Platform From Scratch
This course offers a comprehensive and well-structured introduction to Next.js. Brad Traversy, the instructor, brings a wealth of expertise in Development, making this course both informative and engaging.
The course structure is easy to follow. Each section, for example, covers a different aspect of Next.js Course, ensuring a logical progression through the material. It includes video lectures, readings, and hands-on exercises, which make complex concepts accessible and practical.
Moreover, The Instructors explains each topic clearly and concisely. He supports the lessons with plenty of examples and exercises, which help students grasp the material effectively.
What I appreciated most about this course is its practical focus. For instance, the instructor emphasizes teaching skills and knowledge that are directly applicable to real-world scenarios. Additionally, students gain access to helpful resources such as templates, checklists, and cheat sheets.
Another standout feature is the platform itself. Udemy offers flexibility, allowing students to learn at their own pace and access course materials from anywhere with an internet connection. Furthermore, the multiple payment options make it easy for students to choose a plan that suits their budget.
In addition, the course community is highly active, with forums where students can ask questions and engage with peers. The instructor, consequently, is very responsive and addresses student inquiries and feedback promptly.
Overall, I highly recommend the Next.js Ecommerce 2025 – Shopping Platform From Scratch to anyone looking to learn Next.js This well-organized and practical course equips you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in this field.