Learn Data Science Courses. Find Online Courses in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data Wrangling and more.
Learn Data Science Courses. Find Online Courses in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data Wrangling and more.
Learn Python + Pandas for data cleaning, profiling & EDA, and prep data for machine learning & data science with Python
End-to-End MLOps Bootcamp: Build, Deploy, and Automate ML with Data Science Projects
Master the theory, practice,and math behind Data Science,Machine Learning,Deep Learning,NLP with end to end projects
Complete Generative AI Course. Complete Guide to Building, Deploying, and Optimizing Generative AI with Langchain and Huggingface
Mathematics Build Strong math foundation with linear algebra,stats,probability,differential calculus for mastering data science
Data Visualisation in Python, matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly & Cufflinks, EDA on Boston Housing, Titanic, IPL, FIFA, Covid-19 Data.
Master Langchain v0.3, Local LLM Projects, Ollama, LLAMA 3.2 (Lama 3.2), Ollama Chatbot, Ollama and Langchain Tutorial
Become an LLM Engineer in 8 weeks: Build and deploy 8 LLM apps, mastering Generative AI and key theoretical concepts.
PySpark tutorial with 20+ hands-on examples of analyzing large data sets on your desktop or on Hadoop with Python!
Complete hands-on machine learning and GenAI tutorial with data science, Tensorflow, GPT, OpenAI, and neural networks